In our professional and personal life, many and most of the decisions are taken by interacting and consult ting with groups of varying compositions. There is no doubt about the fact that by integrating our thoughts, the unachievable becomes possible and higher targets get achieved faster. But a lot depends upon the quality of interaction between the team members. Quantity of interactions does not assure one of the quality of time spent in interacting. I have personally observed individual behaviors when working in groups and I observed that there are lots of bottlenecks which prevent an individual from contributing his maximum to the group objectives. This topic has been dealt with many times by many people earlier but here I would like to add a few more points based on my personal observation that can lead to excellent group performance.
  1.    .  Some people have high need for social inclusion  that makes them less inclined to the listening process, more prone to speak without reason/ logic/need etc . They talk just because they are happy when they are heard. This leads to a lot of deviation from the main subject of discussion and leads to the wastage of time for the entire group. The need for social inclusion is a natural need of a human being but should be kept in control to the extent that it does not disrupt efficiency. Saying for the sake of saying should be replaced by relevant statements of true value.
  2.    .  To have an idea and not sharing with the group because of fear of rejection is a crime and should be avoided. It is better that one doesn’t have an idea if that cannot be communicated.
  3.     .   Criticism based on someone’s personality is highly unhealthy for the group. It leads to eventual break down of the group into sub-groups which is again very unhealthy.
  4.    Listening and maintaining calm is divine.
  5.    Free flow of information
  6.   No gossiping or deviation from the topic. Ego is a killer and must be set aside while making time for more effective discussions and less arguments.
  7.    Confirming to the time lines and not extend it beyond the limit agreed by the members of the group
  8.     Performance of the responsibilities as decided in the meeting is necessary for achieving the group target. Also any inability to act must be openly communicated in the group so that suitable adjustments can be made. Honesty and openness are supremely important.
  9.    Mutual consideration for each other contributes to the feeling of belongingness.
  10. Last but not the least, appreciation in the presence of all members leads to boosting up of one’s self worth. This practice is highly effective and is a must for success.


Hiii... very well written... but for the debate sake i am sayin that these are the rules which if followed would help improve communication. I agree... but the question is how many people follow it? Like this there are many rules in life which if followed will lead u to success. But do people follow those stuff? If everyone simply followed the guidelines and rules then there wouldn't have been any problem in this world. The world would have been a better place to live. don't ya think?

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