You are encapsulated in this overwhelming feeling of love and it blinds you such that you oversee anything that violates the very image that is pictured in your mind. On one long day, you discover the hollowness of the very emotions that kept you hopeful for a period of time. You discover how illusionary the past had been. It devastates you in a way. This very sorrow of passion was not reciprocated. The feeling that there would be someone more promising than you, taking your place someday. It is not a question of what is right and what is not at this moment. But still, something keeps your mind busy. Something gets you thinking for long hours past midnight. Thoughts and memories, reasons and your judgments– glimpses of all in your eyes. They float in your mind for longer than you thought and they keep at it like objects strewn in the sea after a ship wreck. They are the remnants of the past and they will float for some time until time carries them away. Angry? For what? You don’t blame the gun when you get shot with a bullet. When you float you just float happily and one day there is this storm after which you find your wing punctured and you are just destined to sink. But you can sink with style and that could be an attraction to watch for many. For to sink with glory all you need is to rise too high. You should be proud of reaching those heights. You will remain eternally beautified. And your flight now will be even more graceful with wings spread far across, and wind my friend will be all you want.